The only difference I can see to the failed ping is the slightly different data part, and the fact that CentOS seems to set the Id field in the IP header always to 0 no increments and sets the don't fragment bit. Firewall on the servers are turned off. Please remember to be considerate of other members. Do not post advertisements, offensive materials, profanity, or personal attacks. It would be nice if you could see the packet coming but at least you eliminate part of the path. Required Question General discussion. cisco wet200 firmware

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Flaming or offending other users Illegal activities: Thanks for your answer! Looks as though you have done most the stuff I would have done.

CentOS 6 with Cisco WET200 (wireless bridge)

This excludes I think hardware issues with the network interface. If not you could try to hard cissco one. First clear the arp table on the router so it must rearp the server ip.

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Thanks for any advice, Andy. First thing to check is the mac tables on the switch and maybe the bridge if you can.

[Solved] CentOS 6 with Cisco WET (wireless bridge) - October - Forums - CNET

Required Question General discussion. No idea what else I could try This post has been flagged and will be reviewed by our staff.

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Even with the sniffer working only one way you can gets some useful info. These time out fairly quickly so make sure you check right after sending traffic from both ends.

Meanwhile I found a workaround, though no real explanation.

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The whole setup works, the servers receive their IP addresses correctly, they have the Vigor router also correclty in their arp table. The only difference I can see to the failed ping is the slightly different data part, and the fact that CentOS seems to set the Id field in the IP header always to 0 no increments and sets the don't fragment bit.

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Cancel Preview Submit Follow. But obviously not in any other way. This would be an indication that the bridge has an issue.

Just not the router itself. I think I already tried it earlier without success, but maybe Ciaco forgot to remove firmwxre systems from the router DHCP list. This might also be an issue with the Vigor router, this device already gave me headaches earlier I still didn't find the ideal router. Pings from server to router don't succeed, and of course no connection to the internet is possible at all because the Vigor is the default gateway. The real strange thing comes here: I am betting since it works without the bridge you will see a issue at this point.

Next ensure that your router has a arp entry for your servers with the correct mac. This will imply you have very basic networking correctly working. I tried an additional test and replaced the switch on the side of the servers by a hub so I can at least sniff all traffic on this side of the bridge.

It is highly unlikely it is a issue with something like MTU or fragments since you can't get ping to work and that uses very small packets. I also tried sniffing the traffic. Thanks for your help anyway, I hope the "solution" helps others. If you do not have a arp entry then something is blocking it. Sorry, figmware was a problem flagging this post. Follow Follow this discussion and email me when there are wet2200 Stop following this discussion. You should see your server send a response to the arp even though you do not see the request in the sniffer
