Moyana, a comical figure discovered his trick for successful songs is to ensure that a title pleases himself first before he can think of pleasing others. Biometric authentication project and mop-up exercise extended to October 31 5 hrs ago Views. Mliswa pushes for Mnangagwa-Chamisa meeting 5 hrs ago Views. In due to economic hardships Moyana left Harare for Beitbridge where he started to work as a conduct but because of his passion for music he started mobilizing resources for him to pursue his music career. Dear Strive Masiyiwa 13 hrs ago Views. munotidako song

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Moyana enjoys the controversy because it is actually making him more and more popular. Moyana recorded his own music because he did not have money to go to well established recording companies. Victoria Falls expo flops 5 hrs ago Views.

munotidako song

For sale is traveling cooler box. Go to Masvingo, especially in the rural areas and see if anyone will laugh at you when you say that word. Moyana once worked as a lead guitarist at Fabio Chivhanda's Traditional band.

The song has since its release never received airplay on any of the country's radio stations. I composed and played most of the lead, rhythm and bass guitars on the songs while a few were played by Mucharwei Mazungunye.

Munotidako singer plans another vulgar titled tune - Bulawayo24 News

Serial thief steals from police station 5 hrs ago Views. ZACC arrests trade unionist 5 hrs ago Views. Economic meltdown force Zanu-PF "to fast-track reform bill" - gimmick to dodge stepping mynotidako 13 hrs ago Views.

Upcoming musician Jacob Moyana has hit back at sungura musician Alick Macheso who accused him of fanning the use of vulgar language in local music.

Nothing sinister about ‘Munotidako’ lyrics: Moyana

Moyana was born at Days Hill in Chipinge on October 11 in and strummed the first wire of a guitar in at For sale is solar charge controller. Problems at Lupane University need mature and professional approaches 5 hrs ago Views.

Moyana sings; "KuChipinge munotidako;"kwaMutare munotidako;"kuChiredzi munotidako;Tagara munotidako;Makatichaira foni kuti munotidako;tichatogara tichitouyako;kana muchitidako; Literally translated, the song means"if you say big buttocks in Beitbridge,"If you say big buttocks in Mutare,"If you say big buttocks in Chiredzi"If you say big buttocks everywhere then we shall come there".

Karina Textiles auctions assets. Kumberi sonf an ambiguous word which can either mean ahead or private parts.

Munotidako singer plans another vulgar titled tune

Born in Chipinge in Moyana is a family man and father of three. Blow to MDC councillors 5 hrs ago Views. Pamha in shona means repeat and takatarisa means while we look," said Moyana bursting into a hilarious laughter. He was to wait sohg for the Chibuku Road to Fame when he won the competition with Tinashe Express.

Latest News Editor's Choice. Ex-Bosso star Chilufya dies 5 hrs ago Views. Publishers named above each report are responsible for their own content, which AllAfrica does not have the legal right to edit or correct. In he recorded Chiwepu Chembodza with Joseph Chavhakaira. Moyana then formed his band the Black Hunters so that he will not have conflicts with his other colleges about using the Ghetto Hunters trade mark. Macheso attacked Moyana and some dancehall musicians that are using explicit language in their songs.

To contact the copyright holder directly for corrections — or for permission to republish or make other authorized use of this material, click here. Moyana, a comical figure discovered his trick for successful songs is to ensure that a title pleases himself first before he can think of pleasing others.

Read the original article on The Herald.

Jonathan Moyo's photo breaks the internet 5 hrs ago Views. Some of his collegues went back to Harare as they failed to cope with the situation in Beitbridge. Mnangagwa to spell out legislative agenda 5 hrs ago Views.

munotidako song

Council failures rooted in legislative deficits 4 hrs ago 71 Views. This is because the song sends the human mind barking up the wrong tree.
