Kinguin 16 13 3 Barefoot in the Park. Xyp9x did 2 Kills. Wednesday, December 4, What do I need to get started? We know that our traditional training methods will develop practical self defense skills, all around physical fitness and positive character traits in all of our students. byali config

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Round 24 Winner TSM. Upcoming Events Saturday, October 26, Kinguin 16 13 3 Our training environment is non-competitive, with each student working not only to improve him or herself, but to help other students improve as well.

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What do I need to get started? Match - Virtus. Les colonnes 1K2KThe emphasis on mind-body training goes far beyond the benefits of standard health club-type exercise programs.

Round 18 Winner TSM. TaeKwon-Do is well known for its stress relieving benefits. Round 13 Winner Virtus. Round 23 Winner TSM. News May 10 Head Instructors Assistant Instructors. We have classes from beginning children to adults.

Thank You Si Jak.

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Round 26 Winner TSM. Round 20 Winner TSM. La colonne FK signifie First Killutile pour voir les personnes qui font les premiers kills. We know that our traditional training cobfig will develop practical self defense skills, all around physical fitness and positive character traits in all of our students.

Kinguin Xyp9x 20 2 16 1. Round 16 Winner TSM. Xyp9x did 4 Kills.

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We promote good behavior through the tenets of TaeKwon-Do and we expect the same at home and in school. Round 3 Winner Virtus.

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Round 15 Winner Virtus. Round 1 Winner TSM. Color Belt Black Belt. Round 11 Winner TSM. Class location and times Costs? Skip to main content.

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Barefoot in the Park. Round 4 Winner Virtus. Round 22 Winner TSM.

Match Information Score Virtus. Round 19 Winner Virtus. End of the Year Pot Luck.
